AGZ is Back from Baltimore (Baltimore Comic-Con Wrap-up)

An Awesome Place for AGZ's First Convention

Baltimore Comic-Con (BCC) was a great mix of attendees and artists with interests in traditional hero comics and independent comics.

Baltimore Comic-Con - Rob and Ken Setting Up

I've heard job satisfaction has a lot to do with creative input on what you do and liking the people you work with. Well, this weekend provided high job satisfaction for me. I love making Art Geek Zoo comics and at BCC I sat next to some really cool artists. I shared a table with Ken Drab of Rick the Stick, that was great. Then to my left was Tyler James. To my right was Rickman - pinup artist and creator of The Band The Comic and John McLaren - creator of ToteMan and the ToteMan epilepsy awareness/myth debunking comic.

Baltimore Comic-Con - View of the Main Door Aisle from AGZ-RTS Table

Baltimore Comic-Con - Rob and Ken Ready

To top that off, the convention hosts stopped by from time to time to check on the artists and in general be helpful. I also want to thank them for such an awesome placement of the Art Geek Zoo table.

Meeting The Attendees

Baltimore Comic-Con - Snake Eyes

I met many people curious about Art Geek Zoo. It was so awesome to chat, share what AGZ's about, and connect with people who like the idea of a music fantasy adventure starring a penguin and his mystical guitar friend. :) I got a lot of laughs and interested reactions to the idea that Crunchy is Pick's friend and guitar. Yes, talking guitars are awesome and I do wish mine could talk in real life. It speaks to me and I through it, but talking out loud is a whole other concept and level!

I sold some AGZ buttons and guitar picks. Guitar picks?! I thought they weren't going to be there! You and me both, I'll explain.

My Guitar Picks Arrived Saturday

Just as I was heading out to the airport to begin the BCC adventure, I was contacted by my guitar pick vendor. He found the picks and express mailed them to my hotel - they made it late Saturday afternoon so I had them to sell on Sunday!

I actually had a chance to test them out this morning. I like how they feel, the heavy picks are solid but not overly stiff and thick, mediums have a great feel, and the lights are quite flexible and soft.

Dinner With WebcomicPlanet Collective Artists
Baltimore Comic-Con - Dinner With Comic Artists
I carried a few of the AGZ picks to dinner w/a bunch of great comic artists. We had dinner and hung out at a restaurant called The Nest. It was a pleasure to meet and chat over a meal with Dawn Griffin of Zorphbert and Fred, Chris Flick of Capes n' Babes, Tyler James of Super Seed and other comics, and David LaMason of Unbearable Bears. Dawn Griffin did a great post-con wrap-up as did Tyler James, Ken Drab, and Chris Flick - check them out for great pictures and summaries of the convention.
Baltimore Comic-Con - Dinner - Rob and Kate

Donated Framed Print

Baltimore Comic-Con - Greg LaRoque's Rep - Rob Donating AGZ Art

A representative from Greg LaRocque's fund raising effort stopped by my booth and asked for art donations to add to an auction for Philippine typhoon relief. I was surprised and felt complimented. But being who I am (a self critical artist and security conscious programmer), I was mildly skeptical. After brief conversation, the effort struck me as genuine and donated the #1 print of "Mystical Guitar Brothers". I apologize to Greg and his representative for my skepticism, and am humbled to be asked. As anyone hears of the auction details or if Greg would like me to donate another print, please contact me via twitter (@RobStenzinger) or email ( I'll post an announcement as soon as I learn the auction details.

Other Fun Stuff

I want to thank my awesome wife, Kate for being so supportive and being such a friendly cheerful extrovert that she is. If it weren't for that big basketball in her tummy you wouldn't know she's about 30 weeks along in her pregnancy. Not only did she give emotional and sales support, she went exploring and met some really cool people. I'm a bit jealous that she got to hang out with Lar DeSouza, but at least she brought back pictures!

Baltimore Comic-Con - Kate and Lar DeSousa

Baltimore Comic-Con - Lar DeSousa Single Handedly Making the LICD Booth Cool

Also, I did get a chance to run over to the HalfPixel booth to say thanks in person to the Web Comics Weekly guys for all their support and knowledge sharing they do for web comics, tell them that I miss the WCW podcast, and give them a few AGZ guitar picks... hopefully Mr. Straub puts them to good use as I was left with the impression that he might "accidentally" keep them all. :)

Thanks Baltimore, Hope to See you Next Year!

Thanks to all the great people and artists at the Baltimore Comic-Con! It was an awesome learning experience and I hope to have the Art Geek Zoo convention budget to attend again. Meanwhile it's back to writing and drawing AGZ and planning some local Minneapolis convention attendance!

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