Guitar Fretter Visual Update Progress

guitar fretter logo work in progress v1 - square.png

Now that I'm adding new features to Guitar Fretter again and creating a separate free version I have some visual updates in progress for a fresh and improved impression.

One of those visual updates: frame animated sprites. Animated sprites are something I've wanted to add to Guitar Fretter for a long time. Even a few frames of animation can add tons of personality and make a game character more expressive.

In the current version of Guitar Fretter I use two techniques to add life to the creatures that take your health if you fail to match their note to a position on the guitar fretboard. They animate falling from top to bottom at different rates, each have a slight rotation wobble, and have a x-axis expand/contract breathe effect.

Here's a look at early work in progress for added animation frames. You're getting a look at the regular stance, the active stance, and the defeated stance of the creatures. I'm planning on testing what a two frame cycle will look like between the regular and active stance, then switch to defeated when the player has a successful match.

animation creatures guitar fretter sprites 2021 v1.5.2021-01-04 22_58_46.gif

As to tools, I'm using Clip Studio Paint to make the animation frames and Guitar Fretter is built with the Solar2D game engine.


That's about it for this update! Much more in the works for Guitar Fretter, lots more to share, and I have plenty of incentive to talk about it weekly or so since I'm publishing daily.