Journaling About Creativity, Design, and Collaboration: 7. Imposing or Offering

Creative journal banner - imposing or offering.

Creative journal banner - imposing or offering.

Continuing this series, where I share one page and transcription of a handwritten journal entry. Capturing each concept and exploring it in a given page has a simple process. Transcribing creates a chance to stay true to the original page while allowing interpretation with word flow and once in a while punctuation or small copy change.

Imposing or Offering

Page 7, transcribed below.

Page 7, transcribed below.

Doing and choosing to do is

supported by your being in a place

and relating to any and all contained within.

Agency, permission of expectations,

allowances and affordances of

constraints, chosen and natural limits

affect your options to make and how

you place and promote awareness of

what you create.

Relatable things have a nature or

meaning based on the point of view of

any connected being. Is this of benefit

to serve, nourish, was it imposed or offered?

Will time affect experience and understanding?