Under Construction Pages Without The Construction GIF

under construction all the time.jpg

My web sites get lots of attention once every 6 months to 6 years. All depends on what projects and adventures at the time.

I'm willing to bet a soda that I have a web site or two in the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive with one of those underconstruction signs that were so popular back in the web one point oh times.

Today I fixed a few things with this site and my portfolio site RobStenzinger.com. I separated the topics I neeed to update frequently so they live on this site. Then with things that don't need to update frequently like links I mention in dozens of past podcasts or share a resource I uploaded to that server from a class I taught, or if I need to share one of the hidden portfolio links I have that option.

New pages for your curiosity, delight, and service: about, links, and store.

Rob Stenzinger