Background Painting Practice

background space painting practice (1).jpg

Taking a break from a project by choosing other creative work as a way to cool down. Sometimes I feel it's an odd thing to choose to do. Also it shows me that writing, coding, drawing, and making music are nourishing even outside the context of a paying gig or product to sell.

Of those options, drawing works the best for me. I do like to draw just for the sake of it, exploring, noticing skills and things to try next.

Some of those relaxing playful drawing sessions I'm working on skills I know I'll need and generating ideas that could help a project. It's relaxing and low pressure and honest that if a drawing happens to be a strong fit for something I need in a project, I know I'll use it.

These are backgrounds I created playing with space feeling skies with stars and nebula gas clouds. I was considering adding painted backgrounds to the latest Guitar Fretter update, chose to put that aside for other features.

Last week I published the big Guitar Fretter update for Windows and MacOS, Android, and iOS. The free version, Guitar Fretter Demo Tape is coming along, super close to ready. More news to share soon.

Back to this post's main idea, here's a gallery of the background painting practice of stars and space skies: