Blog of an Interactive Storyteller

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Episode 34 - Character re:Visions


Here we see what's currently happening with the band members of Resonant Dojo, split among three different locations near the Polytechnica School of the Arts (also known as Art Geek Zoo).

Each member of the band seems to be seeing things differently from the other. What will this mean when they get back together? What about when they need to play their newly won gig at the Soundhouse Saloon?

Behind the Scenes

Episode 34 is the fourth in a row that I've used Adobe Illustrator to produce from start to finish. It's been a mixed bag being so Illustrator-centric, overall positive, that I hope to write up a few thoughts and notes to share in the near future. I appreciate the comment/endorsement from Javen of who (my paraphrasing) gives Illustrator a big thumbs up. I think it has a permanent spot in my toolbox to produce each AGZ episode, but I'll be bringing something else to the mix/back in the mix.

We do have a new shirt in the works... more fun, more stylish, hopefully less expensive too! I just finished the draft design this weekend and will be working with our new screen-printing vendor to get a small run of these produced. Preview images of the shirt graphics will make an appearance soon!