Blog of an Interactive Storyteller

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Happy New Year from Art Geek Zoo Comics!

2011 was quite a year of creative growth for me. Even though AGZ went on a bit of a hiatus... I've been up to quite a bit elsewhere. WOW do I miss posting comics weekly here at Art Geek Zoo but in order to have the time to help launch and grow Lean Into Art, grow my interactive design consulting (user interface, user experience, and game design), it's been necessary.

I can't wait to share more news and details - I'll get to regular blogging here before I get to regular comic posting but rest assured  more comics are coming. Not the least of which is the epic huge next part of Pick and Crunchy's story. Here's a preview of some notes where I'm pondering Pick Wingvey's visual design:


And here's a few extra doodles of pick where I'm thinking about the various styles I've used for him and what might be next: