Blog of an Interactive Storyteller

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Pick and Crunchy - Separate Days

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in Pick and Crunchy - Separate Days...

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to be continued...

January 15, 2012: Started posting pages for "Pick and Crunchy - Separate Days". This is a flashback short story, set during their High School days together before the talent show incident. I started this as a 24 Hour comic back in October of 2011, wrote, thumb-nailed the whole story then fully finished the first 10 pages. 

I've continued this short story both for fun and as prep for the next chapter of The Way of Sound. I hope you're having fun with it too!

  • Update January 22, 2012: Added 2 more pages! Scroll all the way down to see the latest... 11 more to go!
  • Update February 11, 2012: Added 1 more page! Scroll all the way down to see the latest... 10 more to go!
  • Update February 20, 2012: Added Page 15! 9 More to go and Happy 4th Anniversary to Art Geek Zoo Comics!
  • Update March 1, 2012: Added page 16! Rock on with the janitorial supplies, Pick!