Thinking About Design - A Notecard Journal Thing

What is that essential quality about design that makes one product feel so well put together to me while I don't quite connect with another?

Likely it's me - my knowledge, skill, culture, or motivation is well-met with the former while I'm not in the audience of the latter.

Then - that's not always the case. I do encounter products of all sorts that are likely intended for me that are missing attention to structure, detail, or other refinement.

Design requires perspective. This notecard journal thing is an exercise to refine my perspective on what design means to me.

Update I decided to show the most important card out of the gallery. Exploring this working definition "Design is Placement in Context with Purpose" is the core premise of this deck of notecards.

The abbreviated version - this single card contains my current working definition of design.

The abbreviated version - this single card contains my current working definition of design.


Drawing with Rectangles - Robots, Trees, and More


Little Ghost Rider