Now Available! Video Game Construction Kit: Underwater Tomato Ninja Edition!


I've been working for over a year to say this: Video Game Construction Kit: Underwater Tomato Ninja Edition is now published and available to purchase!

Some of the places where I've mentioned this project before are the Polytechnicast and most recently on the Lean Into Art Cast about eBooks. It's been quite an adventure to produce and publish and I'm unbelievably pleased to share the news that the book is out.

What kind of book is it? It's about 200 pages with 10 chapters of choose-your-own-path topics and exercises to explore making and designing a video game. Do you care more about the code or the graphics and sound? No problem, there's menus along the way to skip forward and back through the topics. There's also 50 achievements spread throughout to help track and celebrate the things you're doing along the way.

"Making games can be as simple as playing your own "house rules" version of Rock Paper Scissors. Making video games is usually far more complicated. The intent of this book and included resources is to get close to that simple approach: play and change a video game to make it your own."

It's currently available at Amazon, Gumroad, and Sellfy with iBooks, Nook, and Google Play coming soon.


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