ComicasterJS Source Code and Example Comic

ComicasterJS is a web-based comic reader and boilerplate for publishing comics or other sequential art galleries.

Isn't there already a Comicaster?

Yes indeed. That was another project of mine from a few years back. No worries for confusion, this one has a "JS" on the end.

Currently my comics are archived at I intend to use ComicasterJS to re-publish those few hundred pages of comics I've with a reading experience that feels more like an e-reader and less like a blog.

To learn more about it, see the readme page at GitHub, check out the example comic, and explore the source code. Use it, enjoy, send feedback, submit GitHub issues, and please keep in mind ComicasterJS is in an early experimental stage.

Big thanks to Brandon Dayton for being the catalyst that got me going on this!


Eyeo 2014 in Sketch Notes (So Far)


Using Emotional Hooks to Build a Color Palette