The Make - Share - Collaborate Manifesto and its Initial Feedback


With inspiration and assistance from some special people I work with now and have worked with in the past, I drafted a manifesto about collaboratively making stuff. It's been well received among a small group of people. So now I'm ready to share it with a wider group and looking to learn more about how it can be of use to you and how it can be improved.

An open space

Recently I took part in an event called Open Space hosted by DevJam. Open Space has an un-conference style format (talks and workshops not planned in advance, just show up with something to say) so I signed up to give a talk. The topic I chose: "What Should Be Next For the Make Share Collaborate Manifesto?".

During the session, I shared the basic story behind how this manifesto (MSC) came about, an overview of what it is, and questions I have about ways to improve it.

The group had a lot of good conversation, thoughts, and feedback...

Themes from the Open Space session feedback:

  • MSC covers more than software development concerns
    • It mentions roles, sustainability, creative stages, critique, and a variety of concerns such as empathy not traditionally voiced along side software development.
  • MSC needs examples and demonstration
    • Project stories and scenarios. Somehow provide them while not being overly prescriptive.
  • MSC should refer to supporting materials
    • Books such as Creative Confidence, creative process roles and modalities such as those mentioned in A Whack on the Side of the Head.
  • MSC needs to call out inspirations
    • The Agile Manifesto, etc.
  • Among those inspirations, in particular: how is MSC different than the agile manifesto?
    • It seems more about creative collaboration in general, pertains to software development, yet also more.

Additional thoughts

  • I intend to reflect and share more about MSC and how it came about and ideas of what to tackle next. That'll either be here or on the Polytechnicast soon.
  • DevJam's Open Space was an awesome event. If you're in the Twin Cities Metro area and into making software I highly recommend checking out their events.
  • If you're into the Make Share Collaborate Manifesto - sign it and share it. Either way - please offer your reactions and feedback.

Programming as a Living


A set of creative web experiments