Blog of an Interactive Storyteller

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Journaling About Creativity, Design, and Collaboration: 6. Mechanics and Rituals

Creativity journal, the one with Mario on it.

Continuing this series, where I share one page and transcription of a handwritten journal entry.

This is the most successful I’ve been using a fancy journal. Probably helped that I used the first page to declare my intent. Gives me permission to make Mario’s pages my pages.

Mechanics and Rituals

Agreed upon purpose. Experienced

as a progression of actions and outcomes.

We can make, use, share, and reuse tools.

Mechanics are putting tools to use

and rituals provide sequence and story

for teaching actions and what to expect

as feeling, change, and meaning or

completing the ritual's flow.

Games, tests, prompts, playfulness,

recipes, all provide rituals and promises.

Within there mechanics give choice and structure actions and experience of engaging.