Minimalist Landscape Background and Journal Post
A minimal detail landscape. Far background for a video game scene.
This is a practice background painting I made during a couple wind-down sessions. Playing with brushes and composition is a relaxing activity for me. What about it is relaxing? Not sure if it's the tools or more the drawing anything I want with no due date. Probably both.
Cool. Cool. So what else is up?
Lots of drafts and words lately. Journaling and also developing.
Been working on a schedule of Mondays I focus on business administration and other business development like marketing and merchandising. Tuesdays and Wednesdays I focus on writing projects like articles and learning modules. Thursdays and Fridays I focus on the new game I'm developing.
Juggling projects and family during this time feels like a lot. When I'm caught up in those feelings and logistics I am still writing. But that next stage of writing is where my drafts get stuck. It's the stage where I refine, clarify, shape things into stuff I both feel is important and I think will also be of use to others. Getting a bit of a backlog of drafts in those early stages. With some tending, gardening, and wrangling some of those will become useful stuff.
On days and weeks I feel the writing needs more work, I'm going with that feeling, trusting it instead of trying to force it.
Is a blog a blog if the author doesn't at least once in a while write about writing and the blog itself?
Full width of the landscape