Blog of an Interactive Storyteller

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Two Pizza Team - Game Art Development - Characters

Two characters are a start for my imagination to get perspectives, conversations, and conflict started. So when I first doodle sketched two pizzas, one of them was clearly cheese, the other meat. Destined to have things in common and differences. They're martial arts enthusiasts but they're sliced differntly. One is happy in the moment. The other is concerned with what's ahead.

During Inktober a few years ago these pizzas came to mind to poke fun at a phrase I've commonly heard and used on occasion: the two-pizza team.

Two Pizza Team Agility Rule

I hear that's based on the "two pizza rule", feel free to google who's credited with saying that. The idea is you have a team size compatible with staying aware of one another, collaborative, able to communicate with and know one another.

If or more likely when you have a lunch meeting your team is a good size if you can feed them with two pizzas.

Some useful ideas in the concept, also problems. Consider the norms you're setting. Working through lunch. Dietary diversity. Is it really voluntary or is it expected. It's easy to see a culture of unkindness from a seemingly innocent idea.

It may be worthwhile at times. It may be actually voluntary. Respectful to folks dietary needs. Then sure host a working lunch. Supplying food for folks solving problems. It can be a kind inclusive respectful gesture.

Then there's the whole need to work with remote folks and time shifted folks.

I have lots of thoughts on agile teams, "free" food and such. Experiences like a senior company leader exclaiming "Wow, we're treating you like KINGS" in the midst of a food odor filled room packed with people now interruped by the visit.

Channeling Life Experience Into Fiction

Stories, characters, games are great places to channel feelings and experiences to something others can enjoy.

Here are a variety of the animals, objects, aliens, and neighbors that I created as character concepts for the game and stories of Two Pizza team.

These pizzas and situations are fictional. Any similarity to actual pizzas, aliens, neighbors, or office events is purely coincidental.