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Two Interesting and Very Different Stickynote Cloud Apps

Been using Figma's FigJam cloud-based whiteboard

What I like about FigJam. It's that using stickynotes and large surface drawings on a whiteboard are something I've practiced a lot and find incredibly useful. FigJam does that. It does the similar work of a physical wall and drawing surface. That is gold to me. I wondered that time what is it I like so much about dry erase/whiteboards. FigJam does that. Sure I'm not getting random sharpie dots on my hands by using physical tools and I miss that sometimes. Also I can check on my stickynote walls for different projects on different devices, even on small mobile screens though the experience on those devices is read-only.

Also impressive: Notably

There's a different tool with a different job I'm liking also but haven't needed to sort out research observations for my project for a bit. That's a different incredibly useful job that Notably does well. If you're sorting and grouping stickynotes with the intent to sift through, understand, synthesize, summarize research you've done then that's a better tool for the job. To take data you gathered from interviewing people, then make sense of it, Notably is great at that.Next time I'm doing a research project I expect I'll be doing the synthesis work in Notably.