Quest Cards: a Mini-Art Challenge Experiment
The first seven Lean Into Art Quests were each fun exercises and we've received positive feedback and seen really fun work from our fellow artists who chose to take on the quests. Even still - I felt the time crunch as well.
Earlier this month, I shared a new Quest at Lean Into Art called "Full Deck of Cards". I felt we needed to try a new approach to our mostly-monthly art challenges to make them more of an approachable warm up than a half day project.
Here's the orginal quest post with all the details and below is the full gallery of Quest 8 cards:
I gave cards number 1 and 10 a go:
From what I can tell it seems the experiment was well received. I released the cards in three phases - only sharing the next phase once someone had posted to twitter, individually or collectively, each one of the released Quest Cards filled out with their take on the exercise.