Journal - Growing Gratitude

title image for the post - a band of penguins plays guitar drums bass and sings

Here I'm asking: what am I grateful for right now?

The beings I share a household with

Kate. I'm husband to an incredibly powerfully kind and creative person. She's an awesome caring inspiring leader. Great skillful creative collaborator. I could just talk with her every day forever and be content. She faced breast cancer. It took so many months of battle. Chemotherapy. Radiation. Each with its challenges. Each she faced and arrived at being cancer free this year in March. Today is so different than last year. This time last year she was doing round after round of intense chemotherapy. We've been together for 20 years. I'm so thankful for her.

My kids. I'm a dad. I wasn't always sure I'd become a dad. I'm someone who had a legit challenging family of origin. Survived the challenges of abuse from toxic males who faced abuse from toxic males in their past. Such a thing was supposed to permanently poison me. During the time I grew up, the popular concept of having a tough background was doom. To be abused meant you would become abuser. This idea is not just an out of date concept, it's totally false. We are not doomed to repeat the past. Through study, counseling, therapy, ongoing learning and nurturing it's possible to heal. To end a cycle of abuse with nurturing peace. I'm so thankful to be a dad and to know my children and be there supporting them day to day with their challenges in elementary school and middle school. Two kids I am so proud of and grateful to be here for.

Paper the cat. She's been a friend to our family for over 15 years. She crossed the rainbow bridge last week. I'm grateful to have known her. She was always doing cool stuff, being super friendly, climber of all the things, and looking like the amazing Nordic Forest cat she was.

Mochi the cat. She's about a year and a half old. So different than any other cat I've known. I hear now that tuxedo cats are their own kind of quirky. Now I get it. I've learned that paper towel rolls findable in her space will be shredded without mercy. Plastic bags must be recycled with urgent speed lest they get snacked on. I've learned that being on the couch covered by a blanket is an invitation for awkward face snuggling.

Now there's Nico. 10 weeks old. Great puppy we're just now getting to know. We're so happy to have her join our group and it seems she's digging us too.

Those are the beings in my family household. So grateful for them all.

A collection of fun meaningful projects

Also I'm grateful for the work I've been doing this past couple years too. Teaching about experience design, creativity and collaboration. It's always been one of my favorite things anywhere I've worked, when I have an opportunity to teach or mentor. Glad to be coaching about making meaningful products. Making a huge update to Guitar Fretter and now offering a free version Guitar Fretter Demo Tape. And I mentioned this in my recent newsletter: I'm working on a new game that's an action adventure typing game with a fun story setting.

Growing gratitude

I post this on the day lots of folks in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving. No national holiday in the US is without historical problems with past and present examples of what needs to be improved so we all can live without abuse and repression. I acknowledge the big picture and also know a tough past doesn't doom us. Journaling I take a breath and take a moment to look at the small picture. Reflecting on healing, connection, and appreciation.

We all come from a where and when situation we didn't get to choose. Then we grow through our individual situations and get to meet our grown selves and people around us. I'm thankful to have the people and situation around me that I've grown into. I hope you have a good growing nurturing situation in your life too.